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Construisez votre pension d’indépendant

Construire votre pension pour demain et diminuer vos impôts aujourd’hui n’a jamais été si facile.

Visualisez ce que serait votre pension d’indépendant en 2 clics

I am years old,
I am
I have been self-employed for years,
and my yearly taxable income is 60.000, excl VAT

0€ 200,000€ +
Il n’y a rien de plus décourageant que la pension des indépendants ...

Je n’ai aucune visibilité sur ma pension 😞 personne ne peut me dire ce que j’aurai quand j’arrêterai de travailler


La pension légale est ridicule, probablement en-dessous du seuil de pauvreté en Belgique...

Leadership coach

Je ne sais pas ce que je peux faire. Je ne sais pas comment combiner pension légale, pension complémentaire et investissements personnels (maison, actions...).

La meilleure solution reste de construire sa pension.

Réglez votre pension complémentaire en 2 clics

Accès facile à une PLCI
Transparent view on pricing & costs
Hassle-free & 100% digital
Recommandations fiscales

Optimize your yearly contributions & minimize taxes

Vous savez combien vous avez intérêt à payer chaque année
Vous voyez directement l’impact sur vos impôts
Notre équipe est disponible pour vos questions
Support de specialistes

Recevez des réponses simples

Une équipe de spécialistes pour les indépendants
Un soutien personnalisé, via différents canaux
Accès à plus de 100 partenaires-comptables en Belgique

Accountable maintenant

Vos finances d'indépendant,
en mieux

Démarrez gratuitement


Comment Accountable m'aide-t-elle à préparer ma pension d'indépendant ?

We tell you how much you should exactly invest in your free supplementary pension every year to optimizes your taxes to the max.

We also warn you in case you invest more than is beneficial for your taxes.

How does it work?

  • Every year, you make the payment for your supplementary pension to the broker or insurance company that you chose.

    Note: We do not sell pension plans. We can only recommend the offer of Easyvest for its transparent costs structure, focus on self-employed persons, and the overall quality of its products, recognized by Test-Achats.

  • You can then save your contribution to your free supplementary pension as an expense under taxes & insurances/pension plan.

  • The app computes your fiscal gains. We make sure that your tax return includes your contribution to free supplementary pension.

  • Do you have any questions regarding your self-employed pension? We are looking forward to answering them. We know how daunting the topic is. We make sure to give you clear answers, jargon-free, on which you can make the best decision for you.

That's it!

Qu'est-ce qu'une pension complémentaire libre pour indépendant ?

After you retire, you receive from the State a minimal legal pension. Unfortunately, this minimal pension won't cover all your needs.

The good thing is that you can top it up with a specific scheme called the "free supplementary pension for the self-employed".

You contribute every year to your future pension. At pension time, you have the guarantee to benefit from the capital invested and interests. You can receive it in the form of a quarterly annuity or the capital at once.

It is the safest investment you can make for your pension as the capital is guaranteed.

You can contribute yearly up to 8.17% of your net earnings, as long as your contribution remains under the €3,302 ceiling (2021). That contribution is 100% deductible. Whatever you pay above the ceiling is no longer deductible.

In short, a supplementary pension gives you:

  • a safe investment from which you'll benefit at pension time.
  • fewer taxes to pay today as you deduct your contribution towards the free supplementary pension.

Any self-employed professional who pays social contributions equivalent to the social contributions of a full-time self-employed can opt for a supplementary pension.

Comment cette pension complémentaire libre est-elle taxée ?

It depends on whether you choose to benefit from quarterly annuities or the capital at once when you retire.

  • Quarterly annuities are taxed at the progressive income tax rate, the same as your legal pension.
  • If you opt for the capital: only 80% of the capital is taxed at the progressive income tax rate. The remaining 20% is not taxed. You should receive this capital at your 65th birthday or later and have worked/paid social contributions until then.

In most cases, we will recommend you opt for the capital: you are in control of all the money you invested over the past years. You make sure you pay taxes on 80% of the total. If you choose quarterly annuities, you end up paying taxes on 100% of the total.

Pouvez-vous m'aider si j'ai des questions concernant ma question ?

Yes, of course!

Our team not only knows what to answer to your questions as a self-employed. They also know what you should know and will tell you exactly that! Last but not least, we don't speak jargon.

We are looking forward to answering your questions regarding your pension. What we don't do is selling pension plans. We can point you to brokers or insurance companies, whose job is selling those pension plans. This is what we do when we tell you about Easyvest, our trusted partner.

Quelles sont mes options si je suis indépendant complémentaire ?

The complementary self-employed can only invest in a free supplementary pension plan if they pay social contributions equivalent to the ones that full-time self-employed pay.

The State will pay you a legal pension based on your main revenue, e.g. as an employee.

You can then top up this legal pension with your personal investments. Unfortunately, you cannot deduct them as the free supplementary pension plan.

🎁 Offre exclusive de Janvier

25% de réduction sur tous les abonnements annuels lors de votre premier achat (jusqu'au 31.01.2025)

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