Your business is gaining momentum and becoming known outside Belgium. But what happens with VAT abroad? When do you charge it, and when do you have to pay it? And is there a difference inside and outside the European Union? Find out here.
When it comes to VAT abroad, it’s first important to establish where you are operating as an entrepreneur: inside the EU or outside the EU.
If you supply goods or services to EU clients, the client almost always has to pay VAT in their own country. We call this 'reverse charge' VAT.
When supplying goods or services goods outside the EU, you don't have to charge or pay VAT.
However, you will have to prove that your products have effectively left the EU. For this, use the documents you receive from customs when the products are inspected, along with other relevant documents.
There are a few exceptions to the reverse charge VAT rule:
Read all about reverse charge VAT
It’s crucial that your clients have valid VAT numbers.
💡Accountable tip: check via the EU search engine VIES whether a company is registered to trade with companies in other EU countries. If you can’t find the number, it’s best to check with your client.
Something else to note: if you’re going to deliver products to international customers within Europe, you need to prove – just like for trades outside the EU – that the goods have indeed left the country. Therefore, gather as much evidence as possible for the VAT administration:
If you make purchases abroad with your business, logically, the reverse of what you read above applies. It’s important to give your business number to the supplier so they don’t invoice you for VAT abroad (i.e. in the country of origin).
What happens if you still receive a foreign invoice that includes VAT? Unfortunately, you can’t recover the VAT via your VAT return. So make sure to agree everything properly with the supplier from the start.
By now, you’ve seen that the international VAT system is quite complex.
Key points to remember: you don’t charge or pay VAT abroad if you operate outside the EU. Different rules apply within the EU. Keep the rules in mind so you can avoid any penalties.
Would you like to enjoy hassle-free VAT returns? With Accountable, you can see a projection of your exact VAT contribution for that quarter at any time. Plus, the app prepares your VAT return for you, exactly when you need it. So start using the app for free now.
Want to go one step further? Then hire a partner accountant. They’ll review your finances every quarter and give strategic advice on how to continue growing as an independent.
Author - Valesca Wilms
As content marketing lead at Accountable Belgium, Valesca writes about freelancing, self-employment, and taxes based on her own experience as a freelancer.
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