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Free Tax Resources

You don’t learn taxes in school. 
That’s why we have all your questions answered here. 
Use our guides, videos, blog posts, free tools, and more.

New VAT chain: here’s what’s changed for VAT in 2025!


In 2025, there are quite a few changes in terms of VAT for the self-employed in Belgium. So what does this new ‘VAT chain�...

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Average salaries of the self-employed in Belgium – who earns the most?

Are you attracted by the benefits of freelancing, but you still have doubts about the financial side? We get it. Because when...

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What to expect from the new Belgian government as a self-employed | 2025 Update

We are February 1st, 2025: the new government is about to be formed, and the formateur’s statement has just been made a...

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What’s the best invoicing software for freelancers?

As well as making invoicing tasks easier, good invoicing software also lets you automate follow-up and payments. That gives y...

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Business gifts: deductible against your taxes and VAT

End-of-year holidays are the perfect time to surprise your loyal customers with a business gift. This is a great way to stren...

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What are deductible expenses?

Thinking about becoming self-employed or just recently started? You’ve probably heard that it’s a smart move to keep trac...

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What can I deduct?

Search business expenses that match your situation. Tailor-made for self employed professionals in 🇧🇪

Internet and telephone fees Deduct your internet fees
Internet fees are easily deductible, as the link to your activity is genera...

Tax audit risk

Easiness to justify

Flowers and decoration Deduct flowers and decorative plants
You can deduct the flowers you buy for your office. Indeed, flowers and pl...

Tax audit risk

Easiness to justify

Coffee and tea Deduct tea, coffee, and other snacks
You can deduct tea, coffee and snacks at the office Do you eat snacks at th...

Tax audit risk

Easiness to justify

Find deductibles for your profession

Most Used Free Tax Resources

Income Tax Calculator

Discover how much you will actually earn from your self-employment and how much taxes you need to pay.

Just a few clicks and the income tax calculator does the rest – no tax expertise needed. Simplify your financial planning and get rid of uncertainty around tax calculations.

Income tax calculator

Invoice & Offer templates

Simply use these templates to create flawless, professional invoices tailored for German self-employed professionals.

Your invoices should be as good as your work. And of course legally correct. It's completely free and requires no registration.

Free Invoice Templates

A Beginner’s Guide to Self-employment Taxes

You are thinking of starting out as a self-employed professional in Germany? You have come to the right place!

Here you find the free resources to answer all essential questions to become self-employed.

Become self-employed in 4 steps

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